Why Stretching Classes?

Shelle became a certified Science of Stretching Coach™ in 2022 to help people proactively prevent injuries and reverse mobility/ flexibility limitations. After 5 years of working reactively on injuries and pain management through remedial massage, this has been the most exciting breakthrough to inspire every body to move freely!

Shelle sitting cross-legged on the floor

What is Science of Stretching?

Science of Stretching® is a mat-based, targeted mobility training method that helps students with stiff backs, locked hips and tight hamstrings.  These classes focus on improving basic range of movement to allow us to function at our best in everyday life.  You don’t need to have any background in stretching or yoga, all you need is a desire to feel and move better!

Benefits of Stretching

What our clients have said

Yin Yoga Quote

Here to be functional not flattering

Increase mobility and flexibility

Here to be functional not flattering